Mini-Rage Homework

Why We Practice

Like every other skill in the world, to be great at you have to practice. You can have a lot of fun playing soccer just by going to practice and playing in the games. But, to be truly good at soccer you have to practice, practice, practice. To be amazing at soccer you have to practice on your own. This desire to practice and improve has to come from you. Not from your coaches. Not from your parents. But, from you. 

This page is meant to be a place for you to go to for ideas and examples of what you can do to make yourself a better soccer player. And, the better you become the more you will love the game. So, I recommend you practice on your own at least ten minutes a day 5 days a week in addition to your time that you come to practice and games. You can practice on your own or with your brother or sister or your parents or with a friend. The most important thing is that you practice. 

Practice Guidance During School Break

Now that the players have a lot more free time now is the perfect time to practice your individual skills. We as a team will be on break until at least the end of April. This means that dedicated players who want to get better will take this time and practice on their own. With all the free time you have you should be practicing at least an hour a day. I know this is a lot, but if you do this every day you will be so much better by the time we get back on the field you will be amazed. So, below you will see a list of drills that you can choose from. Any of them will make you better. DO NOT practice these inside your house without your parents permission. Also, do NOT kick shoot or pass against the house as you can damage the house. This is also true for the garage door. Do NOT pass or shoot against the garage door unless you have your parent's permission. 

Some of these drills you will be able to do at home and some you will need more space for like a park or soccer field. Either way try and get an hour of practice a day done and set a very specific goal for each day. For example, I will to get better at trapping with my thighs. I will get better at this one specific move. I will get better push passing with my left foot. 

In addition to the technical development you can do during this break I want you to do some tactical development. There will be videos below that you can watch to help you with your soccer intelligence. In addition to your hour of skills practice, I would like you to watch some of the tactical videos below. 

Ideas and Examples for Practice

In this video Dallin demonstrates the technique to use to trap the ball when it is coming at you from high in the air. Notice is stance while he is receiving the ball. He has his knees bent,…

This is a great video to follow along to build your foundation for your touch and control on the ball. Notice her posture while she is playing with the ball. Her knees are bent. Her body and chest…