Cool Ubuntu Commands

The purpose of this page is to share cool commands and actions that we can take in Ubuntu

Terminus Drush

Create 2 user accounts

The command below creates two accounts and adds a role to each account. A few cool things about this are:

  • "&&" is the command to allow commands to follow another as long as they are successful. This webpage gives more details How to Run Multiple Linux Commands in One Single Command
  • I could not figure out how to assign a role when created so I added a command to follow the first to add the role
  • To find the names of the roles I had to run the command terminus drush site.env -- role:list and this listed out all the site roles and role IDs. When using the role machine name match the capitalization from the results of this command

terminus drush site.env -- ucrt username --mail="email.address" --password="enter.password" && terminus drush site.env -- urol "role machine name" username && terminus drush site.env -- ucrt username --mail="" --password="enter.password" && terminus drush site.env -- urol "role machine name" username