Registering to Coach


Registering to coach or be an assistant coach with Chinqually can be very challenging. After spending countless hours struggling with volunteers trying to register to coach I took notes and created this page. The purpose of this page is to assist people to sign up and get cleared to coach or assistant coach with Chinqually. Coaching is an amazing and experience so please do not let the pain of this registration process keep you from coaching. If you get stuck reach out and ask questions.

The process you follow depends on one of three categories:

  • You are registered as a player and you are a minor
  • You are registered in the state of Washington as a player and are not a minor
  • You are not registered

Currently Registered as a Player and You Are Under 18

If you are currently registered as a player, and are a minor (Under 18), you follow these three steps

  1. Start your background check at Affinity sports
  2. Get your safe sport certificate
  3. Finish your background check at Affinity sports
  4. Register as a volunteer with Chinqually

Background Check

Follow these steps to get your background check

  1. Call Affinity at 1-888-213-3999 and tell them you are a minor who is also registered as a player and you need to create an admin account to register as a coach
  2. Once they have created your account they will give you a username and password. Go back to the Affinity log on screen
  3. Follow the steps and make sure you associate your background check with Chinqually as you go through. When it asks for your safe sport certificate, skip ahead to the Safe Sport certificate section. When you have completed the safe sport certificate, return to Affinity background and upload your safe sport certificate. Then proceed to complete the background check.
  4. When you finish, you will get a screen that says it has been submitted, but you will not get any other evidence like and email that you are good. 

Safe Sport Certificate

To register with Chinqually you must have your Safe Sport certificate. To get it follow these steps. 

  1. Go to Safe Sport through this link
  2. Enter organization and access code 
    1. Organization code- US soccer
    2. Access code- YC3E-6P5G-YYIL-CS2M
  3. Continue to register for Safe sport. Make sure your registration matches your Affinity information
  4. Watch the videos associated for safe sport certification
  5. When completed, save your Safe Sport certificate and return to completing the Affinity background check

Register with Chinqually

  1. Go to Chinqually registration
  2. Complete registration
  3. Click Enroll
  4. For offering click BU12 boys born in 2009
  5. Choose Assistant coach
  6. Click add to checkout then proceed to checkout
  7. Complete the sign up. When it asks for WSYS Background Check enter in the field 'Yes'
  8. Finish registration